TYPE: Regular Monthly Board Meeting
DATE: 6/29/2023       TIME: 5:30 PM
LOCATION: Donald J. O'Connell Memorial Auditorium, Central Services Building, 5225 W. Vlie
Regular Monthly Meeting of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors
Executive Session Notices
1. Reports of the Independent Hearing Officers of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors Info
2. Report of the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel, Items 1, 2, and 4 Info
3. Report of the Committee on Accountability, Finance and Personnel, Item 3 Info
4. Report of the Committee on Accountability, Finance and Personnel, Item 5 Info
Call to Order and Roll Call
1. The Chair will call the meeting to order. Info
2. The Secretary will call the roll. Info
Pledge of Allegiance
1. The Secretary will lead the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. Info
Approval of Minutes
1. Action on the Minutes of the April 2023 Organizational Meeting and the May 2023 Special and Regular Meetings of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors Action
Reports and Communications from the Superintendent of Schools
1. Monthly Report, with Possible Action, from the Superintendent of Schools Info
Reports and Communications from the Board Clerk/Chief Officer, Office of Board Governance
1. Monthly Report, with Possible Action, on Legislative Activities Affecting MPS Info
Reports and Communications from the Office of Accountability and Efficiency
1. Monthly Report, with Possible Action, on Activities within the Office of Accountability and Efficiency Info
Reports of the Independent Hearing Officers of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors
1. Action on the Reports of the Independent Hearing Officers of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors (Student Expulsions) Action
Reports of the Standing Committees Action
Report of the Committee on Accountability, Finance, and Personnel
1. Action on Monthly Personnel Matters: Action on Classified Personnel Transactions, Action on Certificated Appointments, Action on Leaves of Absence, Report on Certificated Resignations and Classified Retirements, Affirmative Action
2. Action on Recommended Administrative Appointments, Promotions, Reassignments and Reclassifications, Salary Increases/Decreases, and Limited-term Employment (LTE) Contracts Exceeding Sixty Days
3. Action on Negotiated Collective Bargaining Agreement with PAMPS (Psychologists' Association in the Milwaukee Public Schools) and MTEA (Milwaukee Teachers' Education Association) - Teachers, Educational Assistants, and Bookkeepers/Accountants
4. Action on Approval of the 2023-2024 Salary Schedules
5. Action on Recommended FY24 Plan of Audits and Report on District Risk-assessment Plan
6. Action on Monthly Finance Matters: Authorization to Make Purchases; Report on Change Orders in Excess Of $25,000; Acceptance of the Report on Revenues and Expenses; Monthly Expenditure Control Report; Report on Budget Transfers; Report on Contracts Under $50,000 and Cumulative Total Report; Report on Monthly Grant Awards; Acceptance of Donations
7. Action on the Award of Exception-to-Bid Contracts
8. Action on the Award of Professional Services Contracts
9. Action on Request to Waive Administrative Policy 3.09(9)(e) and Extend the Professional Services Contract with Marquette University for Therapeutic Services
10. Action on Request to Waive Administrative Policy 3.09(9)(e) and Issue a Lease Agreement with Enterprise FM Trust for Twenty Vehicles
11. Action on Department of Recreation and Community Services 2023-2028 Strategic Plan Refresh
12. Action on Monthly Facilities Matters: FMS Award of Construction and Professional Services Contracts Recommendation and Report with Possible Action Regarding Air Quality
13. Action on a Request to Approve the Second Amendment to the Lease Agreement with Lit'l Scholars Day Care at the Thurston Woods Campus Located at 3320 West Wren Avenue
14. Report with Possible Action on Resolution 2223R-019 Green Revolving Fund
15. Report with Possible Action on MPS School Nutrition Program
Report of the Committee on Legislation, Rules and Policies
1. Action on a Request to Approve Revisions to Administrative Policies 8.23, Weapons in the Schools; 8.28, Student Discipline; and 8.31, Student Suspension
2. Action on a Request to Approve Revisions to Administrative Procedure 7.37, Graduation Requirements
Report of the Committee on Parent and Community Engagement
1. Update with Possible Action on District Multi-Tiered System of Supports and Interventions
2. Report with Possible Action on Services Provided to Students with Disabilities in the Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
3. Report with Possible Action on Equity End-of-Year Report June 2023
Report of the Committee on Strategic Planning and Budget
1. Update with Possible Action on the 2023-2028 Strategic Plan
Report of the Committee on Student Achievement and School Innovation
1. Action on a Request to Amend the Instrumentality Charter School Contract with Honey Creek Continuous Progress School Relative to School Leadership
2. Action on a Request to Amend the Non-Instrumentality Charter School Contract with M.C. Preparatory School of Wisconsin, Inc. for Milwaukee College Preparatory School Relative to School Leadership
3. Action on a Request to Amend the Non-Instrumentality Charter School Contract with Next Door Foundation, Inc. for Next Door Charter School Relative to Leadership and Grade Bands
4. Action on a Request to Amend the Non-Instrumentality Charter School Contract with La Causa, Inc. for La Causa Charter School Relative to School Leadership
5. Action on a Request to Amend the Non-Instrumentality Charter School Contract with Milwaukee Excellence, Inc. for Milwaukee Excellence Charter School Relative to the School Location
6. Action on Head Start Matters: Request to Approve Submission of the Continuation Grant Enrollment Reduction Plan and a Request to Extend the Project Period for the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Grant
7. Report with Possible Action Regarding the MPS/MKE Early Childhood 1,825 Initiative
8. Report with Possible Action on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) Task Force
9. Report with Possible Action on MPS Montessori Strategic Plan
10. Update with Possible Action on Resolution 2021R-002 Advancing the Goal of Equity in MPS
11. Report with Possible Action Regarding Black Lives Matter End-of-Year Report
12. Report with Possible Action Regarding Bilingual Education and the District Multicultural Multilingual Advisory Council (DMMAC)
13. Report with Possible Action Regarding the Implementation of the Personal Finance Course
Action on Items Set Aside
Regular Items of Business
1. Reports of the Board's Delegates Info
2. Monthly Report of the President of the Milwaukee Board of School Directors Info
Unfinished Business
1. Annual Review of and Possible Action on Board Compensation Action
New Business (for Referral to Committee unless Otherwise Indicated)
Communications (for Referral to Committee unless Otherwise Indicated)
Resolutions (for Referral to Committee unless Otherwise Indicated)
Milwaukee Board of School Directors